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about lauren


This is a tidbit of how my passion for fitness began and evolved

I was an active child growing up. The family across the street had a daughter who was close to my age and a younger son with Down’s Syndrome. After finding out that the mother had started a local summer camp for children with special needs, I immediately signed up to be a volunteer at the camp that summer and continued to volunteer every summer until I graduated from high school.

 During that first summer, I became friends with another volunteer, a bodybuilder that introduced me to a whole new fascinating world. Once I began training with him, I developed my foundation for health and fitness. After being exposed to fitness, I could only think about and focus on learning more about the body and how it responds to exercise.


my personal evolution

During college, I began competing in fitness competitions and working as a personal trainer. Soon enough I found myself moving to Houston and taking on clients. During that first year of working as a personal trainer, I decided that I needed to go back to school. Simultaneously, I started training a client and I told her about me, where I came from, and I taught her about fitness and becoming healthy. She asked me if I had ever thought about teaching since she thought I was such a great teacher. Oddly enough, she also asked me if I had any experience in working with students with special needs.

  • My heart started pounding and I felt so happy as I recalled for her my experiences with my childhood playmate and my summer volunteer work. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I was training the Director of Special Education for the local school district. The director told me what program to enroll in and she was instrumental in helping me begin my teaching career with special needs students.

    Even though I was enjoying my teaching career and I felt very fulfilled by it, something was still missing. I just could not let go of my passion and interest in health and fitness.

    This all gave me the essentials to fulfill my dream of creating my Company (Lauren Stogner Fitness), which I am now heavily zealous about! We are expanding and revamping the brand to a more concrete and rejuvenated company to help others succeed and reach their goals.