


I live in San Antonio Texas I am a wife and a mother of two kids. I started my journey in March of 2016 and started competing in June of 2016.

What motivated me was when i saw myself in the mirror, and realized that my body had changed and I was not happy at all of what i saw. Thats when I decided that i had to do something about it. I told myself i had to make this change for me and for my health and decided to start this fitness journey. Not going to lie It wasn't easy at all. aside from being mom, wife, working full time and making the time to workout as well as new habits, but i made it through. One day I came up to my Coach Lauren Stogner with a picture and asked her…. “Is this really possible? Can I look this way?” I told her I wanted to look like that picture for my 40s, I will never forget her words: “You can achieve whatever you want but it will take dedication and discipline!”

 By this time we were close to my birthdate. She right away set me up with a meal plan & workout plan super strict to accomplish my goal!!

Thanks to my coach’s words, I decided I really wanted to compete and push myself to the next level, plus Wanted to feel good & look good for my 40s.

In June of 2016 I competed for the first time in Miami, placed 4th and I loved it !! I felt the most beautiful women in the world and that anything is possible with discipline and dedication.  I also had the chance to compete in my hometown (San Antonio), Mexico City and Las Vegas. Looking forward to keep going with this new lifestyle that changed my life forever.

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